Annual General Meeting 2016
The Friends 2016 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Saturday 8th October 2016 at our church of St Andrew’s Woodwalton in Huntingdonshire. The meeting and associated events is open to all members of the Friends, and our sister charity the Ancient Monuments Society, and their guests.

Since our last AGM at Woodwalton church the interior has been transformed. Woodwalton is our greatest challenge. When we took it into care it looked like a textbook case of instability. There were visible and alarming cracks were in the aisles and the chancel. Plaster was falling off in chunks in the nave. We have yet to tackle the chancel, where the fears are that the movement is still current, but we have stabilised much of the remainder of the building and re-rendered and lime-washed the nave. Alongside the heroic local friends group, headed by John Chance, we still have a lot to do but the building has been brought back from the brink and is a Good News Story.

Order of Events
2pm – Choral Evensong followed by a brief introduction to the building
3pm – Annual General Meeting followed by tea and cake in the village hall