All Saints’, Ballidon can be tricky to find – and to interpret! Through the gap in a wall, which leads to a path and then to the church – a Norman-Perpendicular-Neo-norman ensemble, sited alone in a vast open field. Tightly enclosed by a stepped, coped wall – All Saints is one of the few remaining markers of medieval Ballidon. Inside the chief attraction is the wonderful font – roughly-hewn and dating probably to the 14th century, with its upside-down panels and fascinating carvings. We’ve been repairing All Saints over the past few years – re-roofing the nave and chancel, improving drainage, upgrading rainwater goods, repairing glazing and masonry, redecorating ironwork and stabilising the churchyard wall. We’re thrilled that Ballidon is now open daily, but we also need a local keyholder – so do get in touch if you can help!